
Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapists,

Counselors & Addiction Treatment Clinics

Our proprietary I.N.T.A.K.E. Method® streamlines and removes the burden of new patient intake and transcriptions allowing you to focus on what matters most - your patients.

"Smarter intake, happier providers, better care"


The secret to our clients’ success is in our I.N.T.A.K.E. Method ®

Intelligent Forms

& Automation​

Our simple, gamified smart forms include interactive videos to help patients understand and complete the form. The data, forms, surveys, and documents are added to our Patient Relationship Manager & your preferred electronic health record (EHR) system, making it easier for providers to access and track patient information.

New Patient Onboarding

Our team of Mental Health Intake Specialists handle the entire new patient intake process, including program eligibility, document completion and collection, insurance verification, collecting copays and appointment scheduling.

Transcription &

EHR Data Entry​

Our secure, HIPAA-compliant system allows providers to scan their handwritten patient notes, record or upload audio or video, and have them transcribed by our team of Mental Health Intake Specialists. The transcribed notes are then added to the patient record, saving time and reducing provider burnout.

Advanced Security & Compliance​

We prioritize the privacy and security of patient information. Our system is HIPAA and SOC-compliant, and all connections are encrypted to ensure the protection of sensitive data. All team members are HIPAA certified annually and we will provide your practice a BAA.

Knowledgable Mental Health Intake Specialists

Our team of Mental Health Intake Specialists is highly trained and qualified in the field of mental health, ensuring a smooth and positive experience for patients. Our MHIS holds mental health degrees and/or certifications and has been specially trained to help new mental health or addiction clinic patients, through the complex process of intake surveys.

Enhanced Patient Experience​

By streamlining the new patient intake process and eliminating the burden of transcription, we are able to enhance the patient experience, making it easier and more convenient for patients to access the care they need. Our "post intake appointment" personalized, email, SMS & handwritten letter nurture campaign keeps patients engaged and connected with their provider, improving patient outcomes and satisfaction.

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